Our standard delivery is approx. 8 working days within Germany and approx. 11 working days within the EU (shipping zone 1).
A shipment of the goods is standardly only possible to the countries listed below. Depending on the size of your order, the shipment will be made by DPD, UPS, DHL or freight forwarding. The respective shipping costs can be found in the table below. If you should wish the dispatch into another country, then write us please before an order a E-Mail (email address insert) and call us please the article with the quantity and the ship-to-address with the country and the appropriate postal zip code. We will then inform you at short notice whether we can also ship to the desired country and - should delivery to the desired delivery address be possible - inform you of the shipping costs, as we have to ask our shipping partner in advance about the shipping option and the costs.
To calculate the shipping costs you can click on "Calculate shipping costs" or "Change & update address" in the shopping cart.
Within Germany (except islands) we ship free of charge.
These include the following countries: Austria, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Monaco, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece and France.
Price table for pictures on support frames (acrylic glass, alu-dibond)
Largest picture side to | Shipping costs for 1 picture of this size | each additional picture of the same size |
25 cm | 12,95 € | 2,00 € |
60 cm | 19,95 € | 3,00 € |
100 cm | 25,95 € | 4,00 € |
125 cm | 38,95 € | 6,00 € |
180 cm | 77,95 € | 10,00 € |
220 cm | 129,95 € | 20,00 € |
250 cm | 181,95 € | 25,00 € |
larger than 250 cm | 233,95 € | 30,00 € |
Price table for prints (Hahnemühle)
Largest picture side to | Shipping costs for 1 picture of this size | each additional picture of the same size |
25 cm | 15,95 € | without surcharge |
60 cm | 19,95 € | without surcharge |
100 cm | 26,95 € | without surcharge |
125 cm | 34,95 € | without surcharge |
180 cm | 39,95 € | without surcharge |
220 cm | 52,95 € | without surcharge |
250 cm | 52,95 € | without surcharge |
larger than 250 cm | 52,95 € | without surcharge |
For mixed shopping baskets (products from the carrier frames and prints category), the higher shipping costs will always be charged.